Vote No on Ann Arbor Proposal C

Vote NO on Ann Arbor Proposal C

Did you know that half of the money raised by the vote yes campaign as of the 2024 July Quarterly came from longtime Republican voters and GOP supporters?

Local conservatives want to remove party affiliation and eliminate our primaries for all Ann Arbor City Elections. Their proposal:

With the most diverse and progressive Council in Ann Arbor's history, why change the rules? OPPOSE A2 Prop C.


In 1975, Ann Arbor elected the only Black mayor in its history, and local conservatives changed the rules. In 2022, Ann Arbor elected the most diverse, pro-housing Council in city history, and local conservatives are once again trying to change our elections. 

Learn more.

Our Coalition

Democrats for Ann Arbor is proud to have the support of a broad coalition of Democrats committed to preserving fair and transparent elections.

Meet our coalition of community organizations, current and former elected leaders, and community members here.

Transparency has never been more important in our elections. Voters deserve to know candidates' values.
Oppose Ann Arbor Prop C.